Transform Your Claims Management Process

Expedite Settlements, Elevate Trust

Nuvalaw's Interact platform streamlines and structures communication, information exchange and negotiation between insurers and attorneys to accelerate settlement, avoid unnecessary litigation, and drive down costs.

Join Leading P&C Insurers and Law Firms

Any of these sound familiar?

Creeping costs

Loss adjustment expenses are climbing and you're under pressure to do something about it

Talent Drain

Experts are retiring without enough junior talent to replace them

Slow Settlements

Slow claim negotiation processes are affecting profitability (and frustrating your clients)

Manual Madness

Your email inbox - and yes, even your snail-mail IN tray - is overflowing

Tech Overload

Vendors keep promising ‘magic bullet’ solutions that you haven't the time to look into

Congested Courts

Courts globally are creaking under a backlog of cases that should never have reached litigation

Is A New Claims Management System What You Really Need?

Or is it focus—and a plan. Interact is about minimising 'management' and maximising resolution. We streamline and automate resolution so you can focus your scarce resources on files that really need expert attention.

It’s Claims Resolution-As-A-Service

Here's the plan

Agreement & Document Exchange

Click to agree to the Protocol (timelines and rules) and upload and exchange evidence and documents - all tasks are time-bound and all data standardised.

Claim Verification

Auto-settle claims according to your business rules. Whether it's by value or minimum required documents - it's up to you.


Exchange negotiation offers to reach settlement within a mutually agreed period.

Neutral Evaluation
Successful Settlement

Time-Certain Resolution

Reach a settlement or escalate the claim to arbitration by an expert.

It's real alternative dispute resolution.

'Tried and tested’ methods of resolving files by email and phone are holding you back. There's a better way to triage and close claims long before they reach court.

You can’t afford to waste time on things that won’t yield a return. Unnecessary litigation or overworking a file is a distraction from your business and will not lead to a happy client or that five star review - protect bottom line by refusing to let claims linger on the backlog.

Because we understand the needs of carriers, third-party administrators and attorneys, we have the perspective to ensure parties can collaborate toward a resolution while preserving their interests.

Focus. Cut Your Costs. Stop Claims Leakage. Improve Your Loss Ratio.

Interact is not another claims management system or litigation management platform. It works because it is so simple. Shared data, a single record of negotiation, and a definite outcome.

Everything about it helps you focus on one thing.

Resolving the claim affordably and fast.

But It’s Not For Everybody

It’s For The Visionary Insurer

Interact is for the insurers and TPAs that want to go beyond old claims management processes that no longer meet their needs. It’s for those that know they can’t afford to fall behind and want a bold new approach. You can slash the gordian knot of reduced talent, rising costs and litigation management expenses by changing the way you play the game.

Improve Forecasting

With time-controlled resolution and early settlement, your reserves align more closely with reality.

Unlock Reserves

Unlock your reserves sooner, and see your financial flexibility soar.

Reduce Your Legal Spend

More defense spending will not reduce your indemnity.* Embrace early settlements and watch your costs dwindle.

Delight Policyholders

A swift payout breeds contentment. Happy clients are brand ambassadors.

Reduce Your Loss Ratio

It’s not simply about a faster settlement, but about knowing which files to settle when—for plaintiffs and carriers. Reduced LAE and litigation will turn the tide in your favor.

Enhance Data Accuracy

Prevent claims leakage by ensuring accurate claim assessments and minimizing fraud risk.

And The Progressive Law Firm

Interact is for law firms that think like a business. More cases in less time = more revenue. Because Interact makes settling a file simple, your paralegal can manage the process, asking for help only as required. The best part? You keep visibility and control through Interact's reporting and analytics.

Get Focussed

Dissect case backlogs. Focus on what truly matters.

Get Fast

Accurate data helps you reason with your client, reach quicker settlements, and improve cashflow.

Do More

Accept more cases with the confidence that each settlement is more efficient than the last.

Cultivate Loyalty

Swift resolution and payout = satisfied clients who will spread the word of your service.

Slash Costs

Get your paralegal to handle the simple matters - you can play overseer. Interact frees you to focus on the high-value stuff.

Be The Best

By embracing the Interact claims resolution process, you're not just another law firm—you're an innovator.

Expert Neutrals For ADR You Can Trust

Nuvalaw partners with neutrals whose panels comprise seasoned legal experts, including active and retired judges. Each member of a panel has undergone rigorous vetting to ensure they meet high standards of legal proficiency and have proven track records. When you don’t settle a claim, you can rest assured that it’ll be in the hands of the best in the business. It’s true ADR.

Dare To Make Gamesmanship A Thing of The Past

Insurers: Avoid the cost creep that comes with legal gamesmanship. Minimize the disruptions to your business process and resolve your third-party claims with easy-to-use digital workflows and tools.

Plaintiffs: Get your operation humming by using data to know which files to settle and when.


Hyperautomation In Claims Resolution

Harness Optical Character Recognition (OCR) to capture your documents and AI to intelligently automate data extraction, ensuring accurate input—all with a human-in-the-loop and in control.

Set your business rules, and when a claim matches your criteria, Interact will utilise robotic process automation to execute resolutions and initiate invoicing. Want to become an early-adopter? Join the beta program.

Powered By Mendix: Gartner Magic Quadrant Leader

Nuvalaw harnesses the dynamic duo of Mendix and Amazon Web Services (AWS) to redefine your claims management stack and claims resolution processes. This powerful combination means you get improvements fast, at any scale, with enterprise security out of the box.

Rapid Development

With Mendix’s low-code platform, innovative ideas become live features at speed, keeping us, and you, ahead of the curve.

Rock-Solid Reliability

AWS’s world-class infrastructure guarantees that Nuvalaw is always on, always fast, and always secure.

Scalability on Demand

As your needs grow, Interact will grow with you.

Cutting-Edge Security

With AWS and Mendix, your data's safety is a given. We're talking top-tier and ironclad.

Our Business Is To Improve Yours

Building a brand identity to fit our growth

As Nuvalaw moves into its next phase of growth, we've refreshed our brand and our message.
James Clarke, Head of Product
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Is this whole 'LegalTech' thing a bubble that will soon burst? Or is there gold in those hills?

In his first article as a Modern Law Magazine editorial board member, Willie Pienaar looks at what LegalTech can can deliver
Willie Pienaar, Executive Chairman
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Motor insurers turn to online dispute resolution to reduce claims burden

Online dispute resolution allows insurers and claimant law firms to regain control of the resolution process
Willie Pienaar, Executive Chairman
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What is Nuvalaw Interact?

Interact is a digital claims resolution platform that empowers insurers and law firms to manage and resolve third-party claims efficiently, minimize adjustment expenses, and expedite resolutions through structured negotiations, automation, and arbitration.

How will Interact benefit my organization?

Accelerates Resolutions: Expedite claims outcomes with reduced manual touchpoints.
Enhances Consistency: Standardizes claims processes through rules-based automation.
Improves Collaboration: Fosters seamless collaboration and structured negotiation between insurers and law firms.
Reduces Litigation Management Costs: Resolves claims earlier and minimizes unnecessary litigation and associated expenses.
Improves ESG Performance & Claimant Experience: You reduce resources expended to resolve a claim and claimants get their claims resolved and money in their pocket quicker.

What types of claims or cases can I upload to Interact?

Interact can handle any type of case, claim, or dispute that involves two negotiating parties and the (optional) involvement of a neutral. Once the channels between you and your counterparties have been set up by Nuvalaw, the Interact platform's automation processes can commence within these channels to the degree desired by the participants. You remain in control.

How long does the resolution process take?

Interact is designed to streamline the claims resolution process and typically resolves claims faster than traditional methods. Exact timelines are determined during onboarding and contracting and Interact's resolution engine will then proactively manage the workflow through task assignment and escalation where required. For an example duration, many of our clients in the UK use an OIC (motor/auto) personal injury claim resolution process that takes a maximum of 25 days where standard processes take over 300 days.

How much does Interact cost?

Pricing is calculated per product and client based on volume referred. Higher volume commitments enable better pricing.

Can Interact integrate with a case management system?

Yes, Interact can integrate with existing case management systems through APIs, ensuring a smooth flow of data and efficient claims processing. If this is something you require, please get in touch with us.

How does the onboarding work?

Our onboarding process is straightforward and includes training sessions, dedicated support, and documentation to help your team become proficient with Interact. We ensure your organization is fully equipped to make the most of the platform.

Who has signed up?

Interact is trusted by leading insurers and law firms across the UK, including organizations with significant market share in the motor insurance and personal injury sectors. For a full list of clients or specific references, please contact us directly.